so here is my falshback for the day this is fifth grade, we went on a field trip to san diego, california seaworld, birch aquarium,the beach mcdonalds and a really cool restraunt called the food court! and of course the hotel room! my dad went with me and it was alot of fun the kid with a funny smile is colby and the chinese looking kid is nathan we all used to be best freinds ever! i mean we had fghts like the time i told colby i liked him and he said eww! i only like pretty girls! we fought for a few days then cooled down a bit!
now they have there own friends and i have mine we hardly ever talk nathan and i do sometimes but i havnt talked to colby since the beggining of the year and he hangs out with people i would never want to hang out with!
maybe there is a reason that they avoid me, maybe i just stink! anyways i dont think e will become great freinds ever again!
1 comment:
Marly, please remember to speak kindly of others, you never know who is going to see your blog.
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